english versionItaliano
Prof. Giorgio Peretti Specialista in Otorinolaringoiatria e Patologia Cervico-Facciale


Extended cordectomy (type V)
Cyst cold instrumentation video

Cyst, cold instrumentation

Microlaryngoscopy, cold instrument-based excision of a submucosal cyst of the right vocal cord
cyst acublade video

Cyst, Acublade CO2 laser

Direct, microlaryngoscopy-based excision of a submucosal cyst of the right vocal cord performed with an Acublade CO2 laser.
Edema  Reinke acublade video

Reinke edema, Acublade CO2 laser

Vocal cord lifting performed with an Acublade CO2 laser.
goretex video

Thyroplasty medialization, GORETEX implant

Medialization thyroplasty through cervicotomy and with GORETEX implant onto the outcomes of endoscopic cordectomy following squamous cell carcinoma.
papillomatosi debrid video

Laryngeal papillomatosis, debrider

Remotion of a papillomatosis lesion of the anterior commissure with a debrider.
papillomatosi co2 video

Laryngeal papillomatosis, CO2 laser

Excision of a subepithelial papillomatosis lesion of the right vocal cord with a CO2 laser.
Cordectomy I video

Subepithelial endoscopic cordectomy (type I)

Subepithelial resection of a glottic, intraepithelial lesion.
Cordectomy II video

Endoscopic subligamental cordectomy (type II))

Subligamental resection of a microinvasive tumor sparing the vocal muscle.
Cordectomy III video

Transmuscoular cordectomy (type III)

Transmuscolar resection of the outcomes of a previous biopsy while preserving the lateral portion of the vocal muscle.
Cordectomy IV video

Total cordectomy (type IV)

Subpericondral excision of an invasive carcinoma with sacrifice of the vocal muscle
Cordectomia V video

Extended cordectomy (type V)

Cordectomy extending to the anterior commissure and the anterior third of the vocal cord and contralateral "en bloc" for carcinoma involving the anterior commissure
Cordectomy V peace meal video

Extended cordectomy (type V)

Cordectomy extending to the anterior commissure and performed with a cross-sectional, trans-tumor approach (peacemeal) for a glottic carcinoma with subglottic extension.
Cordectomia V peace meal

Subepithelial and sublegamental cordectomy - Type I-II